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NHI & FHWA-Compliant Bridge and Culvert Inspections

NJDOT Bridge Inspections

Coastal Engineering regularly performs NJDOT Type-2 underwater structural inspections on bridges and culverts of all sizes and types. All include scour evaluation, basic fathometric surveys, digital photographs, detailed condition tables, and reports with drawings that adhere to NJDOT standards. Per these standards, our inspections include a 100% level I “swim-by” overview; a 10% Level II detailed inspection of the substructure elements with cleaning of marine growth and measurement of damaged/deteriorated areas; and inspection and probing of the channel bottom and adjacent areas for scour and deterioration.


Costal will work with stakeholders to determine any unique challenges before performing these inspections. We use Commercial Surface Supplied Air and/or Commercial Air SCUBA diving methods to complete the work effectively and efficiently.  Inspection reports for each structure are provided in adherence with NJDOT report guidelines and Inspection Divers hold appropriate NHI/FHWA certifications.

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