Our Team

Founder | President | ADCI Dive Supervisor
Kevin Reinhard, PE
Mr. Reinhard has been diving commercially for almost two decades. When he's not managing projects, the office, backend, and day-to-day activities (all the things that keep a #VOSB #SBE owner busy) he can be found happily leading the team in the field, passing along his extensive knowledge and insight to the whole crew. Mr. Reinhard has inspected and performed repairs on bridges, dams, W/WW facilities, and other marine-related structures throughout the country. He has performed work for federal, county, and local municipalities, water supply and wastewater authorities, departments of conservation and natural protection, and local and private stakeholders. He has extensive experience and is fully educated in state, federal, OSHA, EM385 and ADCI requirements.

Project Manager | ADCI Dive Supervisor
Dillon Savitzky
Mr. Savitzky started his Engineer Diver journey as a civilian employee of the Department of Defense, working at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center and performing engineering work on ships, submarines, He was then selected to train at the naval diving and training center – known throughout the Navy and the diving world as the most rigorous and high-level of commercial diver programs. Mr. Savitzky transitioned from federal to civil diving to further explore his marine engineering skills and has been performing above and underwater inspections of bridges, dams, bulkheads, and seawalls. He is pursuing a master’s degree in marine engineering and holds a wealth of knowledge related to underwater inspection, QA/QC inspection, and federal requirements.

QA QC Engineer
Raja El-Awar, PE
Mr. El-Awar is a licensed Professional Engineer with over 37 years of experience in engineering, management, and finance for geotechnical engineering and geotechnical specialty construction companies. Mr. El-Awar holds his BS and MS in Civil Engineering from West Virginia University, specializing in Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering. His experience includes geotechnical design, engineering, inspection, management, financial, construction management and construction services of various projects including business development, supervision of staff, financial (P&L, Balance, AR, AP, Retention & CIP), monthly/quarterly/yearly budgets, contracts, subcontracts and vendors.

Project Engineer
Carlos Mesa
Mr. Mesa holds his BS from Drexel University. He is a well-rounded engineer with knowledge of mechanical and structural engineering, and is currently pursuing his EIT certification. Mr. Mesa's experience as a project engineer had him working on renovations, repairs, and design of new structures. He ensures adherence to codes, provides design services, performs calculations, and assist with project management. He is highly knowledgeable in AutoCAD and other design software as well as multiple programming languages. Mr. Mesa assists with structural inspections, underwater inspections, confined space inspections, report writing, CAD drawings and design, and a variety of engineering-related services.

ADCI Dive Supervisor
Doga Baktir
Mr. Baktir began his in-water career training while in the Navy assisting with rescue and safety operations. He started his professional diving career offshore providing diving and support services from four-point anchor dive boats, lift boats, and barges. He also has significant experience in underwater inspections, underwater repair, penetration dives, and high-altitude technical dives. He is highly knowledgeable in rigging and safety operations as well as running decompression chambers. He has performed salvage and rescue operations. He also operates sonar and scanning systems and provides transcription, report writing, and CAD drawings.

ADCI Diver/Tender
Brett Baker
Mr. Baker came to the diving world via the United States Marine Corps. He brings a wealth of marine, navigational, and safety knowledge to the team. He performs underwater inspections according to DOT and NHI standards, prepares reports, transcribes data, updates CAD drawings, and operates Coastal’s underwater video system. He also performs underwater repairs to all varieties of marine structures. He is experienced in deep dives, penetration dives, and confined space access. Mr. Baker’s experience includes high-level safety, risk management, and equipment management. He manages Coastal's equipment maintenance program and maintains equipment safety certification and recordkeeping.

ADCI Dive Supervisor
Jordan Passmore
Mr. Passmore is a highly technical commercial diver with deep acumen in performing inspection and maintenance tasks. His expertise includes a focus on deep dives and hazardous/sensitive locations. He is highly skilled in safety procedures, underwater inspections, and deep water salvage. Mr. Passmore performs work in zero visibility locations, performs on-site diagnostics and repairs broken equipment, and is an expert in adhering to safety procedures and protocols. He performs underwater inspections and holds significant experience in underwater construction and construction inspection/QA/QC processes. He is also an expert in rigging and winching sunken objects.

ADCI Dive Supervisor
Alex Martin
Mr. Martin is an ADCI certified commercial diver specializing in underwater inspection and underwater construction. He performs and assists with bridge and dam inspections, is a qualified rigger, and is certified in job safety and job hazard analysis, He holds all health and safety certifications and is certified in offshore survival training. He performs above- and below-water repairs and has significant experience in topside and underwater welding, cutting, and joining. He is certified in Non-Destructive Testing and also assists with fathometric surveys, underwater photo and video, and topside inspection efforts. Mr. Martin performs safety and maintenance duties and is certified in offshore survival training.

Office Manager
Lisa Entwistle
Ms. Entwistle leads day-to-day office operations at Costal. She oversees coordination of projects, schedules, personnel, equipment, vehicles, and employees. Her daily functions include project budgeting, PMPs, insurance and COI review and requests, contract review, payroll, billing, bonding, HR functions, marketing, proposals, invoicing, and more.

Administrative Coordinator
Tanya Sangle
Mrs. Sangle's primary tasks include finance administration, budgeting, time and expense tracking, CRM, and enterprise resource planning. She handles bookkeeping and expense management, compliance and certfication tracking and review, payroll, and financial statements. She assists with fixed asset monitoring, banking, and property management.